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Seismic Fabric for Earthquake-Resistant Green Buildings

The U.S. Geological Survey estimates there are about 1,000,000 earthquakes happening around the world each year, though majority of that number is too faint and can only be detected by seismometers.  One million may seem a lot, but that’s inevitable…
January 12, 2013

Eco Books to Read for the Holidays

Now that the world didn’t end, and we’re all still here, we can all get back to whatever we’ve been reading—you do read, right? Great. Why not read eco books for a change? Here’s our recommendation of six eco books…
December 26, 2012

GravityLight, Creating Light from Gravity

I know we just featured FIPEL in our last post—that breakthrough lighting system reputedly more efficient than CFLs and LEDs.  But truth be told, even if FIPEL actually takes off, the lighting needs of the rest of the world wouldn’t…
December 15, 2012

How to Enjoy Fairtrade Wine This Holiday Season

It’s that time of the year again—the low carbon footprint merrymaking, the twinkling LED Christmas lights, the sumptuous organic feast on the table, and the… uhm, fairtrade wine. Fairtrade means well for the farmers for sure—it ensures growers get paid…
December 8, 2012

Move Over CFL and LED, FIPEL Lighting is Here

Just when we thought cold cathode and that new lighting system by Philips called Hue are smart already, an even better one comes along.  (If you've been thinking of buying those smart bulbs, as a Christmas gift perhaps, kindly postpone for the meanwhile.) Researchers at…
December 4, 2012

Yay for Smart Windows Technology!

Everything’s smart these days.  We have smartphones, smart grids, smart homes, smart walls, smart cars, even smart cities.  When technology people start labeling something as smart, trust that they don’t do it lightly.  They mean it in the most mind-blowing…
November 28, 2012