Health & Wellness Advisory

WELL Building StandardEducation

BEE consists of a team of WELL Faculty and WELL AP members who are equipped with in-depth knowledge and breadth of experience in building and corporate health and wellness. BEE provides the following health and wellness education services:

  • Corporate health and wellness workshops and presentations
  • Project team training and education
  • Facility management personnel training programs

Indoor Air Quality Strategies

BEE incorporates best practices from certification standards, such as WELL, Fitwel and RESET, into the indoor air quality strategies for your project. We limit air pollutant and contaminant concentrations in your interior space through the deployment of recirculation units, based on a holistic assessment of indoor air quality via our advanced monitoring and testing tools:

  • Carbon monoxide
  • Lead
  • Nitrogen dioxide
  • Ozone
  • PM10 and PM2.5
  • Sulfur dioxide
View our Indoor Environmental Quality Testing Services
View our RESET Certification Services

Corporate Health & Wellness Consulting

To maximize occupant comfort and health, elements of health and wellness are planned during a project’s pre-design stage. These elements include air, light, sound, visual and physical ergonomics, nutrition, occupant mental health, materials, water quality, and sense of community. Throughout the interior design and construction stages, BEE ensures that these elements and strategies and implemented and maintained.

View our WELL and RESET Certification Services

Corporate Wellness Policy Review

For clients that wish to implement health and wellness strategies through corporate policies, BEE provides advisory for policy drafting, as well as review services for existing policies.

Social Sustainability

Sustainability is holistic.
Sustainable construction should be too.

We help our clients look beyond technical environmental solutions and establish a plan of action that also looks at the social and economic factors of sustainability.

Green design projects should tie all of these factors together in an eco-friendly mission that guides company policies and actions.

BEE offers the following services:

  • Conduct a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) on a project to determine any potential impacts and propose solutions.
  • Write a Cultural Strategy to highlight and incorporate important social aspects within the planning of a project.
  • Undertake Transport and Waste audits for projects to identify improvement strategies
  • Draft a Corporate Sustainability Policy and Statement
  • Develop client’s marketing and advertising strategy to create sustainability-focused materials