Low- and High-Tech Solutions for Earthquake-Proof Green Buildings
Experts tell us that it is buildings—not earthquakes—which claim lives. Before we had buildings and cities rising up and dotting the landscape, when everything was just valleys or fields or marshes or forests, and certainly no people around—earthquakes were just…
neoli7 May 2015
April Roundup of Stories: Up House, Volcanoes and Global Warming, Influential Buildings, and More
Welcome to our monthly roundup of stories from all over the web, stories which might have gone under your radar and didn't get the retweets and shares they deserve. From the real-life Up House, to the flimsy link between volcanoes…
neoli30 April 2015
Green Building, Good Design: Winners and Chosen Ones
This April the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Committee on the Environment picked its top ten best green projects in all of US. Since 1990, AIA/COTE has been recognizing projects that consciously incorporate sustainable design while addressing ecological issues. …
neoli27 April 2015
How to Turn Earth Day Into a Habit Not Just a Celebration
If we’re really, really serious about the planet, celebrating Earth Day (which happens on April 22) for just one day isn’t going to cut it. Surely Earth deserves more of our attention than just once-a-year remembrances. Usually around this time…
neoli21 April 2015
Towards Healthy Buildings: WELL Building Standard and LEED
Fast fact: Many of us spend long hours indoors. Sadly if it’s a particularly ill-built building, we could be breathing badly recirculated air, depriving ourselves of healthy natural daylight, exposing ourselves to whatever toxic chemicals that are off-gassing from the…
neoli19 April 2015
LEED Now Recognizes Living Building Challenge's Energy and Water Credits
Good news for people seeking multiple green building certification. The US Green Building Council (USGBC) is now aligning itself with the Living Building Challenge (LBC). Water and Energy efficiency are two of the seven "petals' on which building…
neoli14 April 2015
The Many Hidden Dangers of Discount Stores
For the budget-strapped, or someone just looking to stretch their dollar, discount stores are simply a godsend. And these days discount stores have gotten better at stocking items that previously only the big department stores carried. Most of these are…
neoli7 April 2015
USGBC + C40 + WGBC City Market Brief Compendium Released
The C40 Initiative together with the USGBC and the World Green Building Council have released their Green Building City Market Brief Compendium. This is the most comprehensive report of its kind, outlining the issues cities are facing around the world in…
Alessandro3 April 2015
March Story Roundup: From Global Warming Ban to Tallest Prefab to 3D-Printed Bricks
So here we are again at the end of the month with our story roundup. We’ve compiled 8 of the most popular and interesting stories around the Web, from ingeniously insulating 3D-printed bricks to wooden buildings to a statewide ban…
neoli29 March 2015
Gone Building: China's Disappearing Historical Buildings
China’s historical sites are fast disappearing in the face of rapid economic development. There is no room for nostalgia in economic development. At least that’s what’s been happening to China and thousands of its historical…
neoli25 March 2015