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"What's in the air you breathe?"
A TED talk by Alessandro Bisagni

Watch Alessandro Bisagni, Founder of BEE, in his recent TED talk that breaks down the fundamentals of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) issues and helps watchers understand what to look out for and what can be done about these issues from a personal and professional level.

Indoor air is invisible, and because we can’t see it, we often ignore it or take it for granted. However, this essential component of human life has continuous, 24-7 impacts on your health and well-being that can forever change the life of you and your family. Alessandro Bisagni, Founder and President of BEE Incorporations, has spent the past 17 years studying and working in the field of sustainability, helping built spaces all over the world improve the well-being of their occupants. In his talk, Alessandro lifts the veil on what makes up our indoor air by highlighting the hidden pollutants that enter our lungs every day, what impacts they have on the human body, and what we can all do to improve the air we breathe.


Alessandro is the Founder & President of BEE Incorporations. He is a LEED, WELL, and RESET AP, a BEAM Pro, and an Associate Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment. He is a leader and expert in the green building and sustainability industry in Asia, with worldwide project experience.

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